{:dk}Alle påstande og meninger afspejler naturligvis min personlige opfattelse, og da ingen mennesker kan påberåbe sig at kende den endegyldige sandhed, har jeg så vidt muligt vedlagt links til andre kilder.
Informationer og konklusioner er lavet i samarbejde med fagpersoner, og vil fortsat løbende blive opdateret. Jeg modtager gerne forslag og tilføjelser, men kun såfremt de er veldokumenterede med kildereferencer.
Siden er bevidst skrevet i et letforståeligt sprog.
bloodchokes(snabel-a)gmail.com{:}{:en}Blood Chokes is a martial arts technique intended to pacify the recipient in a safe and psychologically very effective way, but which may, under the wrong conditions, have fatal (literally) consequences.
The use of fainting with Blood Chokes is surrounded by a great deal of misunderstanding and ignorance. Therefore, I have tried to collect and interpret available information, couching it in plain language.
The page is relevant for martial arts practitioners, police, bouncers, and those employed in the security industry, and as part of any debate about deliberate use of fainting.
Naturally, all claims and opinions reflect my personal views, and since no person can claim to know ultimate truth, I have included links to other sources to the extent possible.
The information and conclusions are provided in collaboration with professionals, and will be updated regularly. I welcome suggestions and additions, as long as they are well documented at bloodchokes(snabel-a)gmail.com{:}